util-linux regression tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's expected that for each invasive change or important bugfix you will include a test to your patch. Compile binaries, libs, extra test programs and run the basic tests: $ make check Compile extra test programs only: $ make check-programs Note that the configure option --disable-static disables many of libmount and libblkid unit tests. Run all tests including tests that require root permissions: # cd tests # ./run.sh [options, see --help] Alternatively using sudo and make: $ make check-programs $ sudo -E make check TS_OPTS="--parallel=1" note that as root you have to manually remove output and diff directories # rm -rf output diff or run 'make clean' as root. Run subset of tests: $ cd tests $ ./run.sh <test_directory-name> for example: $ ./run.sh blkid $ ./run.sh libmount or individual test script, for example: $ ./ts/cal/year The tests is possible to exclude by ./run.sh --exclude=<list> where the <list> is blank separated test names in format "testdir/testname", for example: $ ./run.sh --exclude="mount/move" The --exclude is evaluated by the ./run.sh script only. See below TS_OPT_testdir_[testscript_]fake= environment variable which provides more powerful functionality to skip tests. *** WARNING for root users *** The tests touch your /etc/fstab, initialize loop devices or scsi_debug devices if executed with root permissions. Please, be careful and use these tests only for development and never on production system. fuzz targets ------------ The fuzz targets can be built and run along with the other tests (after installing clang): $ ./tools/config-gen fuzz $ make check environment variables --------------------- TS_COMMAND Evaluated by "make check" to override the default command (run.sh). Example: - build all test dependencies, but skip the actual test $ make check TS_COMMAND="true" TS_OPTS Evaluated by "make check" to pass options.to run.sh (see ./run.sh --help). Examples: - run utmp tests only $ make check TS_OPTS="--parallel=1 utmp" TS_OPT_testdir_[testscript_]fake="<yes|no>" Evaluated by any test script to skip certain tests. Examples: - skip all the tests within "fdisk" test-directory: $ make check TS_OPT_fdisk_fake="yes" - skip only "fdisk/bsd" test: $ make check TS_OPT_fdisk_bsd_fake="yes" - skip all "fdisk" tests except fdisk/bsd: $ make check TS_OPT_fdisk_fake="yes" TS_OPT_fdisk_bsd_fake="no" TS_OPT_testdir_[testscript_]known_fail="<yes|no>" Similar usage like TS_OPT_*_fake above. "known_fail" means that the given test will run but (negative) results will be ignored. The build log and test diffs will still remind you about the issue. TS_OPT_testdir_[testscript_]verbose="<yes|no>" Set verbosity for certain tests. Similar usage like TS_OPT_*_fake above. TS_OPT_testdir_[testscript_]memcheck="<yes|no>" Run certain tests with valgrind. Similar usage like TS_OPT_*_fake above. External services ----------------- Coveralls coverage reports URL: https://coveralls.io/github/util-linux/util-linux lgtm CI - automatically executed security code analysis URL: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/util-linux/util-linux/ Coverity Scan URL: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/karelzak-util-linux Fossies codespell report URL: https://fossies.org/linux/test/util-linux-master.tar.gz/codespell.html OSS-Fuzz URL: https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/ URL: https://oss-fuzz-build-logs.storage.googleapis.com/index.html#util-linux URL: https://oss-fuzz.com/coverage-report/job/libfuzzer_asan_util-linux/latest CIFuzz URL: https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/getting-started/continuous-integration/ URL: https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux/actions?query=workflow%3ACIFuzz